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An option to choose to a column and the value from that column is prefilled in the sheetgo form link attached to the email.
An option to choose to a column and the value from that column is prefilled in the sheetgo form link attached to the email.
Hello Ansu could you please give us more details of what exactly you are trying to build? The more details you can provide us, the easier will be for our team to verify and develop what you need.
Hi Vitor from Sheetgo, I have a use case where we send a survey form to our customers after the completion of the order. I want the order no. to be prefilled and locked so that the customer cannot change it. I am manually generating a pre filled form link for each order by adding the parameter and the value in the form URL. I was wondering if this can be automated and a different link is sent to each of the customer.
Ansu I understand what you need. At the moment we don’t have a feature like this, but we will leave this request open for votes. Our product engineers and designers monitor these submissions and often take inspiration from them for additional features and updates. If this feature enters our roadmap I’ll let you know 😄
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