Release notes
Version 2.3.45, released on Nov 09, 2023
We are thrilled to reveal our latest release! Enhancements in forms and document generation allow users to create smarter, more efficient forms and documents. Introducing the chat bubble! Now, you can reach out to our support team directly from the workspace. Get the assistance you need, when you need it. Additionally, we have implemented several hotfixes, performance, and security updates to ensure a seamless user experience
Check it out now!
We are introducing a powerful functionality that allows users to automatically compute field values within a form using familiar spreadsheet functions. This enhancement empowers users to perform calculations effortlessly, improving efficiency and accuracy in data entry. This feature streamlines data manipulation and analysis, making it an invaluable addition to your toolkit.
Key functions include:
SUM (adding values)
AVERAGE (calculating the mean)
COUNT (counting numeric fields, excluding text)
COUNTA (counting non-empty fields)
MAX (finding the highest value)
MIN (identifying the lowest value)
Read more about this new feature
This new feature combines the form header properties to group the data and generate a single document with data from many rows on the spreadsheet. To use the feature you need to place the configuration “[default: random]” or “[default: incremental]”. These configurations will group the data that was submitted together.
In the example below we are using the [default: random] to group the data that was submitted together.

When generating the document users need to insert special tags on the template document: {{!group-start}} to mark the beginning of grouped data and {{!group-end}} to denote its conclusion. With this feature all the data that has the same random or incremental configuration will be placed on the same document, creating one file for many rows of data.
In the example below we are grouping the data to create a table on the template document.

With this feature, users have granular control over how data is grouped and presented in the final document.
You are now able to pair the “Transfer Formatting” feature with “Filter By Color”. You can use both features simultaneously to build a more integrated workflow. Read more about the transfer formatting feature.
Fixed the email tracking not working when using the feature Generate email.
We’ve addressed a discrepancy where Sheetgo’s initial message underestimated the number of transfers for multi-tab source files. Though billing was accurate, users were not given a clear picture of how many transfers their connections would consume. With this update, users will receive a more precise indication, ensuring clarity on quota consumption.
Fixed the problem where searching for folders didn’t work.
Addressed the issue where the form on the Inventory with the barcode was not functioning correctly on mobile.
Fixed the split processes for Excel on SharePoint and OneDrive.
We’ve addressed an issue where the application was not providing clear feedback when smart tags were unsupported when using the “Send Email” feature.
Fixed the functionality “Duplicate workflow” not being available when the workflow doesn’t have connections, in this case, when the workflow contains Forms, it will be available.
And many more performance and security updates… 🐛