Release notes
Version 2.3.47, released on Nov 23, 2023
We at Sheetgo are thrilled to introduce you to a brand new feature, the Sheetgo Dashboards! With this new feature, you are able to show and share the data from your spreadsheets in a clean and focused setting allowing you to focus on the provided information. We are also introducing new form features that allow you to create an even more powerful form.
Check it out now!

We are welcoming a new feature that allows you to use the charts and graphs from your spreadsheets to create a visual summary of the data inside your workflow and connections. The Sheetgo Dashboard is available in the beta stage, and you can use it to present your workflow data and create a visual document that can be shared via email and PDF.
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To make your forms even more organized, you can now add sections and section descriptions. This will allow you to separate the fields by the type of information that you need, making them easier to complete. To use this new feature, just add the following tags on the desired sheet columns:
[section: “Customer”]: Create a form section, the value is the section title. It is rendered in the interface before the field/column where it was added.
[sectionDescription: “Insert text here”]: Allows to set a description to the section. It only works if the configuration section is set.
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You can now pair the vlookup configuration with the min and max configuration. This can be useful on an inventory form, where you can set the max value to the number of itens you currently have. An example of how this configuration should look like in your form:
Quantity [default: 1, max: vlookup(“Item name”; “Range”; index), caption: “{{max}} in stock”]
Fixed issues with the API as a source feature, including running connections and URL displaying problems.
Fixed the issue where the date format was missing in the destination Google Sheets.
Fixed an issue happening when clicking on the change card button on the checkout page.
Fixed the published form not working for users who didn’t sign up for Sheetgo.
Fixed an issue occurring while enabling the transfer formatting feature.
Investigated and resolved the double transfer charge issue when running workflows.
Fixed an issue when the data doesn’t start on the first row when generating docs. From now on the Document generation will respect the header row selected on the source step.
Fixed the timeout issue when running heavy Excel files with a high number of tabs.
Resolved the issue where the feature Identify source data was not working.
And many more performance and security updates… 🐛