• No dates appearing on spreadsheets

Hi, I am working on my second Workflow. There are two of us trying to keep track of an attendance sheet. Somewhere along the line, we seem to have made a mistake with the dates on the month. We are unable to see them on the spreadsheets.

What can we do?

    I had similar issues with the templates. What I found is that these templates come as is. Meaning columns and headers (Row 1 and sometimes 2 and 3) should not be changed.

      What Terry is saying basically.

      Aretha I would recommend you to install a fresh workflow and start again. I assume you have already seen the template video?

      If you want to try to fix the formulas, you would have to trace all the formulas back to the point where they broke.

      Alternatively, use version history on the sheet to roll back to the last working version!

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