orschiro Felipe reminds me very much of this! https://community.sheetgo.com/d/153-do-connections-run-serial-or-in-parallel
Tony Hi all, Let's say I have 5 connections inside my workflow. Now I press to refresh connection 3, followed by 1. Are they executed in parallel or does connection 1 wait until 3 finishes because I pressed 3 first?
Jake I have just done some tests and to me it looks like they are running in parallel. But it would be actually nice to trigger them in a sequence! Is this possible?
Support from Sheetgo Jake Is this possible? This is an interesting thought! @Willian from Sheetgo maybe?
Eugenia The connections inside a workflow run in sequence, top to bottom. So if you reorder them it should work. The need to run connections in a sequence was the reason we created workflows . The challenge is when there’s a lot of data and that data is being treated inside the spreadsheet via formulas, that sometimes takes more time. I do believe we have it in the roadmap to add a “delay” option between connections. Here’s a good article about reordering connections.
Tony Eugenia thanks. I think they only run in a sequence if you press the big run button but not if you start the connections individually. Which is what I want because I don’t want to run the entire workflow.
Eugenia Tony You are totally correct. In that case, I do assume they run in parallel. Which can probably cause some issues if they are interdependent.
Support from Sheetgo Eugenia I do assume they run in parallel. @Willian from Sheetgo can you confirm this?
Willian from Sheetgo Support from Sheetgo If you hit “Run workflow”, the connections will run in sequence, from top to bottom. By clicking individually each connection to run it, they will run in parallel.