• Bug
  • sometimes filter by query creates only an empty table and does not warn!

Even though I have email error notifications turned on, nothing happened :-(

And because every day I divide one large file (google sheet) into small ones and then automatically assemble it again from small ones, so if an error occurs in one of the 6 steps, the data is irretrievably lost, and this happened today, after 16 days of daily operation :-( !

One file was created empty, and the other with only half the data :-(

Such unreliability, and without a notification that the file failed to create, is unacceptable for paid software :-( !

    RadimSochor Hi Radim,

    I spoke with my tech team and we checked all the logs in our end there’s no failure in your workflow. That’s the reason you didn’t receive any communication about that

    What caught our attention was the fact that the file ends up empty (connection 5 “starší…”) due to the calculation on the query resulting in no data.

    This happens due to column T having no data that matches the filter by query search.

    Please, could you check and let me know if you’re able to fix it?

    Tks ;)


    The file (connection 5) you are writing about is correctly empty, because no data is suitable for it to be filled yet. That will be later.

    The problem was in the file that was supposed to be filled using connection 2. And it was enough to run the query again manually, and the file was filled. But we can’t monitor that ourselves, and your software should do it :-(


      H i Radim! ;)

      I was checking now your connection and the source and the destination are the same files, tab, and column.

      Sheetgo won’t work this way because there’s no data to be transferred. Could you please check if the files are correct?

        25 days later
        5 days later

        Karoline from Sheetgo

        The file is transferred elsewhere, something is done with it using a query, it is split, and then part of it back to the original and part elsewhere. This is how the steps work in a sequential order, and it works, unfortunately some days it doesn’t, but at least the emails from you with error messages when it happens have started working.

        Also, I refactored it to make the files smaller. Because the errors were apparently caused by not loading a file that was too large. So we’ll see.

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