Karoline from Sheetgo Hello! Thank you for such a quick notice)))
The issue is that before the teachers would go to each student’s gradebook and fill it. Given that each teacher has 100 students, it is hard and time-consuming to go through 100 different documents every time. So I was hoping to help my teachers and make an easier system.
I have tried several different versions of a teacher’s sheet. I am now experimenting with Sheetgo Forms.
What I currently have is this![](https://i.imgur.com/h0zbKSl.png)
Now I want student A’s result to go to his sheet, to the row that is assigned to teacher X, in the October space (the specific date doesn’t matter, just anywhere in the green part)
Other teachers have similar sheets, but I will do separate connections per teacher to make everything easier. So there would be one to many connections (one teacher many studens), but both teacher X and Y will be connected to Student A for example
I don’t know how to do it