• Bug
  • XLS data imported as all 0's with SheetGo Connection

I’m new to SheetGo. I created several connections successfully, but one is perplexing me.

An XLS file that is imported automatically into my Google Drive has data that a simple SheetGo Connection writes to a specific Google Sheet. However the data that SheetGo is writing to the Google Sheet is all zeros. The text (in column A) is being imported accurately, but all other column (with numbers) are zeros instead of the actual data.

Is this is a common issue with a known workaround? Please let me know what additional information would be useful in troubleshooting.

Thank you for your guidance.

    JKennedy Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out

    Could you please provide a screenshot of your data on the source and then on the destination sheet? Only a portion of the data is needed due to sensitivity regards.


    Hi Karoline - Thank you for the prompt response. Attached are Screen Grabs of the SOURCE (XLS) and DESTINATION (Google Sheet). I appreciate any guidance you can offer to ensure the data is populated in the Destination properly.

      JKennedy Hi J,

      Please, do you mind sharing the workflow with me?
      Enter our web app, click on the workflow, and then on “share settings.” Add my email [karoline] (@sheetgo.com), press ↹ (tab key), and make sure you enable “manager access” and check the "enable file editing"check box

      Hi Karoline - Thank you for your response. In trying to find a workaround in the meantime, I was able to develop a Google App Script that bypasses the need for this workflow. You can consider this thread “closed”.

      Thank you again for your help. :)

        JKennedy Hi J,
        That’s awesome! It’s great to know that we have a workaround in place now.
        Thank you for taking the initiative and finding a solution.

        Consider this thread officially closed then. I appreciate your efforts

        Keep up the great work and if you need just send a message here ;)

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