I am creating a SheetGo form that has subquestions or branching questions and have been able to create one subquestion successfully. When I try to add a second subquestion using the same logic, it does not work. I have viewed and employed the steps outlined in this SheetGo tutorial but have not been able to get this to work. Can someone assist?

    jenstrawbrax Just curious - Sheetgo forms has a grouped questions feature - see this link and search for group - possibly this might be what you are looking for

      Utsav Thanks Utsav. I don’t think that is the right use case. My situation is a totally separate question that needs a text field to appear if the answer to the question is one of the four options. The other options should not offer that text field. I wonder if I have my parameters tab on my spreadsheet set up incorrectly. I’ve tried setting up the parameter tab two ways and both don’t work: 1) One column has the header from the main tab with the question “Produce Destination” and the value under that header is the one that would result in a text box if that option is selected (The value name is “Fresh Select”). I don’t include the other 3 options since they won’t offer the text box if selected. And since the result of selecting the “Fresh Select” option is a text box, I don’t have another column on the parameters tab with a range. 2) I do create another column on the parameters tab with the question header from the main tab and leave the field underneath blank (and including that in the range). Again, neither approach works.

      Thanks for any help!


        Just clarifying a point - which is the correct functionality that you want to achieve when Produce destination = Fresh connect ?

        1. Add a numeric/text value to the Pounds contributed to Fresh connect column
        2. Have a list of dropdown options which will show up in the Pounds contributed to Fresh connect column

          Utsav I would like an empty text field to be displayed so that the user can enter a number. It would be great if that field has data validation set up so that the value entered was a number, and it was a required field. If the user selected one of the other 3 options, no field would be displayed.

            jenstrawbrax I am not sure Sheetgo can hide that field for the other 3 options and show it for the case where Produce destination = Fresh connect

            You can do a number validation for the field using regex

            You can keep the field open all the time, the user will just fill in nothing for the other 3 situations - but I don’t think you can make it required just for that one case

            You can give more context to the users on this field using the desc tag - see this article and search for desc in there

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