I must be missing something. The barcode scanner does not actually capture the barcode. It pops up but does not capture. Any help out there? We are trying to do lab inventory. Thanks.

    Sorry. Either its user error or its still does not work. My work flow:

    • Go to my Google Drive
    • Sheetgo templates
    • Open Sheetgo APP
    • Open Register item form
    • Hit the barcode scannner
    • Point towards any barcode
    • Nothing happens

      KlineLab Hit the barcode scannner
      Point towards any barcode
      Nothing happens

      What’s your environment? Which operating system? Which device type? Which Web browser? How are you scanning the codes?

      We need all this information to simulate the problem.

      If more convenient for you, you can also record a video demonstrating the problem!

      Pixel 6 phone running Android 13 (same problem with Android 12). Also did not work with Windows 10 and a webcam, or GalaxyTab 6 (dont recall the Android version)

      Chrome browser

      I have tried to scan several barcodes, including books, kimwipes, canned air. The scanner flashes white and does not change upon the horizontal line going across the barcode. It does not matter if you fill out the form or not.

      I can compress a screen capture video down to 4 MB but this system does not allow me to upload. It errors out. Please advise how you may want the video

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